Saturday, June 22, 2013

I am not a hugger.

Ever been in that awkward situation when an acquaintance is advancing towards you and you're in a state of mild confusion, whether you should give them a hug or simply smile and wave, but somehow you end up trying to shake their hand? Yup, me too.

I was in this odd situation a few weeks ago, when I was meeting a friend of my sister. She obviously must have taken to me, so my ridiculous spur of the moment handshake was met with her non-mutual (is that even a word?) hug. It was not pleasant.

I don't really have much patience with people who are overly emotionally attached to each other. Okay, we get it, you're best friends, but that doesn't mean you have to jump on each other and act like you havnt seen each other in years, when in reality you just saw each other yesterday, and the day before that,and every other day before that.

I ahev more of a make-stupid-jokes-about-each-other-until-one-or-both-of-you-have-the-desire-to-eat kind of relationship with my best friends, which is way more fun.

So, to anyone who tries to hug me, it will not be reciprocated. Just Sayin'.


Yusraa x

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